Sunday, April 6, 2014

Liverpool Win Ninth Straight

West Ham United hosted a red-hot Liverpool team today, coming into the match with an eight game winning streak.  Liverpool needed only a draw to take the first-place position back from Chelsea, but realistically needed to win in order to stay alive in the title race.  West Ham have been on a decent run of late despite sitting in the bottom half of the league table.

Andy Carroll and Steward Downing went up against their former club while Suarez and Sturridge led the attack for the visitors.  The match was wide open from the start with equal chances for both clubs.  Only one shot was on target though, and the first-half seemed likely to end scoreless until some late excitement arose.

Luis Suarez created the first goal-scoring opportunity when a counter-attack left him one-on-one with centerback James Tomkins.  Suarez was likely to score on his own, but Tomkins was caught playing the ball with his hand and a penalty was awarded for Liverpool.  As usual, Gerrard stepped in to take the penalty and he scored the spot-kick to take the lead (44').

In the few moments before half-time, West Ham were fortunate to equalize on a terrible missed call.  A corner-kick by West Ham was claimed by keeper Mignolet out of the air and Andy Carroll knocked the ball loose with a raised arm allowing Guy Demel to tap home the loose ball (47').  What's worse is the sideline referee called the foul, but it was ignored by head referee Anthony Taylor and the goal was counted.

Neither team truly took control in the first-half, and after half-time the match remained in close contest.  It was not until another decision by the referee that enabled Liverpool to retake the lead.  Lucas came on at the start of the second-half and played Jon Flanagan in-on-goal with an early cross.  Flanagan was first to ball and was fouled by keeper Adrián in the box to earn another penalty.  Gerrard again stepped up to take the shot and scored the penalty (71').

With the lead re-established Liverpool were able to play the possession game and managed to keep West Ham from scoring another equalizer.  The Reds are now back at the top of the Premier League table with two points over Chelsea in second place.  Next week will be a tougher test though, as Liverpool host Manchester City.  Liverpool need to play better than they did today if they want to beat City and keep the league title dream alive.

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